The DDO Chronicle: Issue 342
In The News!
- DDO Bonus Days bring you doubble Commendation of Valor now through July 21st!
Get A Boost! Get 25% off through July 25th:
- Sovereign XP Elixirs
- Treasure Hunter Elixirs
- Greater Slayer Boosts
- Long Lasting Supreme Ability Potions
Summer Sails continue! Get:
- 35% off +20 Hearts of Wood
- 50% off +3 Tome of Fate
- 50% off Veteran Status 2
- 75% Off Artificer
- Now through July 25th!
- The Weekly Coupon gets you Haste Potion x10 with the Coupon Code HASTEY, now through July 25th!
Community Spotlights
It's your last chance to participate in the 3rd Annual DDO Fashion Competition hosted by Aelonwy on the DDO forums! Click here to submit your screenshots by Friday, July 19th to be considered.
To nominate a player, email with the subject line "COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT"
If you could turn into a Gelatinous Cube for a day, would you and why or why not?
Comment on the DDO Forums here and you could win DDO Points!
Guild Hall
Tyrs Paladium is hiring! Tyrs Paladium is a drama free, 25+ yr old (most are mid 30s-60s+) guild. We are an American guild with an international/Euro flavor. We have members on at all times, but left & right coasters (from California to New York) in the US should find plenty on during peak hours. We are successfully recruiting EU players, that add a worldwide diversity and camaraderie to our established and growing guild. We are proud to play with our European brothers and sisters, as well as a few guildies that hail from such places as Africa, Asia, the Middle East. Click here to learn more!
Email with the subject line "GUILD HALL" to get your guild featured!
Fansite News
Click here to listen to DDOCast 565 - Gencon 2019 Primer!
Click here to read Shopping at the Night Market from Bio Break!
Click here to watch Brighter Days Ahead - The Second Half of Summer!
Click here to watch Bard Life with Doug Glendower!
Click here to watch D&DCaSplat! 1.10 - D&D Night on DDO Stream!
Click here to read Raids week 131 from Micki's Delirium!
Click here to watch DDOpl Folks continue their Warforged adventures!
Click here to watch Noobicabra as he journals his quest to become a triple completionist!
Let's Talk Shop!
We are hosting a meetup in Indianapolis during Gen Con! Click here to learn more and find out how to RSVP!
Click here to watch the newest Weekly Wednesday Lunchtime Livestream!
Screenshot of the Week!
Sisters Lielea and Mielea take in the wonders of Sharn in our 424th DDO Screenshot of the Week! Thanks, Mielea, for sending in this week's screenshot!
Click here for the entire gallery.
Click here to learn how your screenshot could be the next Screenshot of the Week!
That's all for this week's edition of the DDO Chronicle. We'll see you next time!