Release Notes: Update 18 Patch 1
Welcome to the Release Notes for Dungeons & Dragons Online! These release notes were posted on Thursday, May 30th, 2013.
News & Notes
- The Bard Inspired Bravery line of enhancements can be trained again, which allows characters to once again take the Warchanter II Prestige Enhancement.
- Fixed an issue that prevented some race restricted items from being equipped properly.
- The Memorial Ribbon will again display on characters who use the item.
- Characters will no longer receive additional Shadowfell Conspiracy pre-purchase Skill Tomes upon Lesser, Greater or True Reincarnation, as intended.
Quests and Adventure Areas
- There is now a temporary portal to Eveningstar from the Eberron Harbor. The portal is located near the entrance to the quest "The Spinner of Shadows" (where the crack in the wall is.) The portal will take characters to the entrance to the quest "Beyond the Rift."
Disciples of Shadow
- Quest bestowal no longer resets upon client disconnection (such as when a character logs out of the game.)
Shadow of a Doubt
- Fixed an issue that could cause shadows to get stuck in the environment.
High Road of Shadows
The End of the Road
- Razagnol is back from his unannounced vacation, and the quest is once again available.
- Armor Appearance Kits are once again visible on warforged characters.
- The Max Caster Level is once again working properly with spells that feature projectiles.
- Corrected an issue that could cause players to have to log out and then log back in in order to see the DDO Store in-game.
- Corrected a display issue where the Spell Power value on a character sheet failed to reflect your Universal Spell Power.