Update 24
Welcome to the Update 24 Hotfix Release Notes for Dungeons & Dragons Online! These notes were posted on Thursday, December 18th, 2014.
News and Notes:
- Traveling to the Hall of Heroes from your guild airship now puts you at the Airship entrance in the Eberron Hall of Heroes.
- The Barbarian's Tireless Rage now properly grants its Strength, Constitution, and Will Save bonuses.
- The Barbarian Ravager's Blood Strength ability now grants Hit Points when killing an enemy near or above your level.
- The Bard Swashbuckler's Fast Movement ability now functions correctly.
- The Bard Swashbuckler's Deflect Arrows ability now functions correctly.
- Monk Shintao core enhancements now grant their proper Healing Amplification bonuses.
Epic Destinies:
- Fixed an issue with the tooltip description of Adrenaline.
- Double-clicking on an item in a bag will once again move the item into your inventory.
- The tooltip description for Sovereign Guild Elixirs now provides the correct numbers.
- Fixed an issue where Astral Shards, Saga Rewards and other items were not properly automatically being consumed when acquired.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Vendors from selling items for Astral Shards.
Quests and Adventure Areas:
Fixed an issue that could cause breakables floors to not display correctly.
Heart of Madness
Palace of Stone
- The quest now has a listing in the Adventure Compendium, and grants Favor. Players who have already completed the quest will receive their proper favor retroactively.
Palace of Stone
Heart of Madness
- Fixed an issue with the Bag Deposit Box that could cause the icons of items to not display properly.
Known Issues
Click here for the Known Issues.